About Us

Tina Hakala

Tina HakalaOwner

My name is Tina and I am the founder of Wicked Earth Naturals. I am a mom to three wonderful children. I am a homeschooler, a natural food enthusiast, and an all around hippie. I began this company when I was shopping for healthy skin care product for my children and I couldn’t find any that fit my high standards. I wanted products with ingredients that I could pronounce. I wanted a brand I could believe in. I couldn’t find one.


They say that necessity is the mother of invention, right? Well, this mother got to work! It took time and dedication to find just the right combination of ingredients to get the results I needed. The best part isn’t even how well our products work. It’s how much my kids love them, too. I believe in our products because I know what goes into them and I’ve seen the results. Now I’m so happy to be able to pass them along to you.

Our mission is to provide you with high quality, natural products that promote healthy living and a strong body. We only select organic herbs and therapeutic grade oils to use in our products. We want to make sure that our products are pure and free from pesticides and other chemicals that can irritate your skin.

We believe in going back to basics by using the wonderful goodness that Mother Earth provides. Our products are made with your family’s health in mind, because they were created for our own families.

We believe in keeping things as close to nature as possible. This way our bodies can accept the nourishing herbs and oils gently without harmful side effects. Taking this approach allows our bodies to fully integrate the nourishment from within, rather than simply suppressing the discomfort causing symptom.

At Wicked Earth Naturals, we believe in total body health. When one part of the body isn’t functioning properly, it is likely caused from an imbalance in another part of the body. By using our natural products, in addition to clean eating, you are giving your body its best chance to be strong, healthy, and beautiful.